Tuesday 20 October 2009

Teacher Feedback

Your entries reflect a lot of work into all aspects of planning and research. Your research into other documentaries is excellent although would have benefited from individual entries of the definition of documentary.  A clear presentation of audience research. You have arranged for a range of interviewees and produced a creative storyboard. Well done to Sorcha for conducting the initial interview!

To improve, your blog needs to be more visual. Include more photos and video links to make this easier to read. Also, used bold letters and font colour changes to make this easier to read. Lastly, you should leave more space between points. Look at your interview questions entry. It is too difficult to read.

You have not included your original pitch or feedback from it.

1 comment:

  1. Our original pitch and the feedback was the first post we published. you can see it when you look at the older posts.
