Monday 12 October 2009

Arranged Interview and conducted interview

I have arranged an interview with a regular skateboarder for tomorrow afternoon at 1:30pm. I will interview him in his chosen location so that he will be most comfortable. I will only be conducting a short interview which may only be a pilot interview and will not neccesarily be used in our final documentary, however if our group deem it satisfactory then it may well be used in the final piece.
My interview questions are as follows:
Have you had any hostile experience as a skater
Do you find that certain groups have particular opinions on skaters
What are you're opinions on the restrictions which the authorities have placed on skateboarders in terms of the use of public space
I have intentionally made these questions open-ended so that the interviewee is able to elaborate and in order for the interview to conversational in some manners. These questions are subject to change as at the time of recording the interview our interviewee may present ideas which I have not previously though of.

Post Interview:

After interviewing the subject this afternoon it has become more apparent the level of communication skills needed to successfully conduct a professional interview. Although I think that overall the interview went rather well, I am also aware of its weaknesses. I found that the awareness that my voice was being recorded made it slightly more difficult for me to articulate my questions as well as I would have liked, I was quite disappointed with this as it could be percieved as the interviewer having a lack of knowledge on the subject on which they are interviewing which could possibly be damaging to our documentaries quality. However, I have also acknowledged the good points of this particular interview which could possibly be treated as a "pilot interview", namely the interview was well lit, and the interviewee kept at eye level with the camera. I was also quite pleased with the location of the scene - one which the interviewee himself chose as a location which he felt comfortable in, and one which was appropriate to the subject of our documentary - a place where the interviewee sometimes skates. I also attempted to stick to the rule of thirds although it is debateable how rigidly the rule was maintained throughout. I found that the interviewee developed his answers sufficiently and gave satisfactory responses, however I thought that the interview as a whole lacked a certain chemistry between the interviewee and the audience which would be neccesary were we to successfully market our documentary. Although I thought that considering it was the first conducted interview of our documentary, it had its qualities, I also think that the interview seemed almost tedious at points and that this will need to be developed in order to keep the audience intrigued in future interviews.

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