Monday 19 October 2009

Locations, Props & Costumes

Locations: We have decided on using several locations to use for our documentary. For our visual scenes and out interviews with the skateboarders we are going to film at the skate parks (South bank, Clapham ; Brixton). This is because they are all accessible to us and they are all well known skating locations in the Lambeth borough.

The interviews with those who aren’t skateboarders will more than likely filmed in the comfort of their own homes so that they are in an environment familiar to them. In the background can be visual connotations of what type of family or person they are, whether its photographs of their children to posters on the walls.

Props: for our documentary we only really need one prop and that is a skateboard.

Costumes: Skateboarders: Regular skater attire-baggy jeans, checkered shirt, flat trainers, possibly a woolly hat.

Officer: we are going to ask the officer to wear his or her uniform so that it is clear to the audience what profession he is in and the relevance he/she has to our documentary.

The old Parents: Shirts, Cardigan, Formal trousers, the look of that generation.

Posted by Reiss.

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