Thursday 8 October 2009

Genre of our documentary

A documentary can be defined as a text which presents social, political or theoretical issues in a mainly factually based manner. Some can be very biased where as others give the audience the opportunity to form their own opinions on the subject in question. Over the years documentaries have evolved and sub-genres such as docu-dramas and mockumentaries have emerged although it is debated whether or not these count as true documentaries or mere entertainment.
Our documentary fits into the subgenre of an expository documentary, as we intend to expose some of authorities and/or the publics true opinions and schemas of skateboarders.
Documentaries which have inspired us are "Scratch" as the style in which it was filmed was incredibly interesting and very visually based, as our documentary shall be. Our main inspiration for this documentary has been "Hot Chocolate", a half documentary, half skateboarding video. It focuses on similar issues as we plan to and has set a standard for us to hopefully be able to achieve. This documentary has given us a world of insight into what we intend to make of our documentary. We have also researched documentaries which are not directly related to our topic of choice, but are from the expository documentary genre which we will be attempting to follow conventions of. One such documentary is "An Inconvinient Truth", which uses logical argument to present opinions and perspectives and makes a strong case against global warming. Some conventions of the expository documentary genre which we have noticed are a voice over, an attempt to convince the audience of a certain point of view usually using logic and reason and images used to support the voice over's comments. The expository genre of documentary is very widely used and conventions of it are followed throughout most documentaries and many television programmes. Although traditional conventions are quite dated, they are still very relevant and over-arch into use in genres other than the documentary genre such as the news and even some "reality" television shows.
Sorcha ; Shona.

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