Wednesday 14 October 2009

Audience Research

I created a survey to find out about the attitudes towards skateboarding and skateboarders in general. It was given to various age groups, but those of a younger generation seemed more at ease with skateboarders than older citizens. Younger people seemed to be more relaxed around skateboarders, comfortable in their presence and even stopping to watch them practice. They also seemed more enthusiastic to learn more about skateboarders, even those who hadn't expressed intrest in watching skateboarders perform. The older generation was more close minded and more awkward around skateboarders, prefering to cross the street rather than confronting them. Personally I think that this research has shown that our documentary is designed for a widly ranged audience: the younger members will enjoy the information about skateboarding as well as the visual style and numerous skateboarding tricks. The older members will see the more creative side of skateboarding and hopefully will see that some of the negative stereotypes that surround skateboarders just aren't true.

(The questionairre pictured below was filled in by one of the older generation of people we asked.)


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