Monday 19 October 2009

List of Interviewees and Questions

Community police officer: we've gotten his contact detail and have left a message for him, but unfortunately he hasn't contacted us yet. Though he's an important part of our documentary we are able to replace him with another person in authority whom we have contact with.

Edward (casual skateboarder): We have confirmed an interview time and Sorcha has already interviewed him.

Rory Milanes (pro skateboarder): We have yet to finalise a date but Rory has told us he's happy to be interviewed and that he's free during the next month, we will most likely film him during half term (next week)

Vivienne and Geoffrey Kempin: These are our "other side of the argument" interviewees, they hold traditional anti-establishment stereotypes of skateboarders. Again we haven't got a final date, but they are available during any day of the week.

Jen (casual skateboarder): Jen is available this weekend for filming (24th and 25th october.) we will film her and some of her skateboarder friends, asking them about skateboarding and those who have a negative opinion of them.

Jack Graham and Sofia Barnett King: A skateboarding couple who could be interviewed together for a more comfortable atmosphere. They are both regular skateboarders and are very experienced in this field.  They are available for interviewing between the 3rd-4th of november and should be valuable assets to our collection of interviews.

We are also going to have a voice over for parts of the documentary and this will either be Luke or Shona as they both have clear understandable voices and Luke especially is enthusiastic about the topic we are exploring.

Questions for Interviewees:

We will be asking different questions to every interviewee, though for most we will ask their opinions about skateboarders and if they think there are any negative stereotypes surrounding them. We will ask the biased couple why they think skateboarders are a bad influence in the community, and we'll ask the community officer why he thinks that people hold such stereotypes and why young people might decide to become skateboarders. Here are some questions Reiss thought we could ask Rory Milanes:

1. How many years have you been  skating?

2. Have you had any bad experiences with people because you are a skater?

3. Do you think the attitudes towards skating have changed? if so how? (positive or negative)

4. How do you overcome this negativity?

5. How does skating affect your everyday life?

6. Which areas do you tend to skate most?

7. What do you plan to achieve in your skating career?

8. Have you had abuse from the community or people in the local area?

Shona Sorcha and Reiss

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