Monday 7 December 2009

Styles of Animation

As I mentioned in an earlier post I'm interested in animation, and before I started my animation project  I researched different styles of animation, mainly styles used in documentaries, or education films. I first looked at 'Persepolis' an Autobiographical piece which was originally a graphic novel by Marjane Satrapi. The film was done entirely in black and white and had very fluid animation making the piece flow neatly from one scene into another, also the drawing style was simplistic and cartoony but very effective. While I admired the style I didn't think it suited the subject matter of our documentary, however I decided to incorporate the cartoon-like style of the drawing into my animation as it worked well with the image skateboarding creates.

 I then looked at 'Waltz with Bashir', an Israeli feature length animated documentary about the 1982 Lebanon war. The colours were dark and brooding corresponding with the subject matter, and the animation was very direct, with no wasted movement. I found the animation style itself very appealing and decided to attempt to use a similar style for my opening animation. I've also taken the bold block colours and shadows which suit the rebellious side of skateboarding very well.

Shona ☺

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