Wednesday 2 December 2009

Last minute filming

Today I was able to arrange and complete an interview with a youth worker. An outline of my questions and topics of discussion are as follows:

Do you think that young people are badly represented by the media?

Do you find that people hold unfounded stereotypes on young people are certain groups of young people?

In your experience, are skateboarders generally regarded as being anti-establishment?

Do you think that the stereotype of skateboarders as anti-establishment is a valid one?

Do you agree that a general trend for authority figures is to regard skateboarders, and young people as a whole, as delinquents?

Do you think that skateboarding is badly represented?

Do you think that the general public regard skateboaders as anti-establishment?

Do you think that older members of the public, or people from certain social backgrounds regard skateboaders as anti-establishment?

Do you think that older members of the public, or people from certain social spheres regard young people in general as delinquents?

Do you think that such stereotypes should be disgarded or that they are simply exaggerated truths?

Do you think that the state establishes such biases for any particular reason?

Hopefully this interview will add more film to our sequence and give a different perspective to our film. Tomorrow we will capture this and continue editing.

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