Saturday 14 November 2009

Time Managment

Due to the unforseen problems we have encountered with the editing programme 'Final Express' we have been lost a lot of valuable time. In order to counter this our group has spit up in to pairs, that we can work on seperate tasks at the same time. The pairs vary from week to week and sometimes all four of us go our seperate ways in order to use our time in the most effective way possible. We make sure that at least two to three people are focussing on editing, and the others are working on side projects such as research, the blog, or finding appropriate copyright free music for our documentary.
On Thursday 12th of October, Sorcha was ill, so Me, Luke and Reiss worked alternatively on the editting, getting input from the other two, while they did the blog and made a section of music on 'Garage Band' for us to use in our documentary, because the music we found didn't suit our film.

Shona ☺

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