Wednesday 4 November 2009


On Monday 2nd of november, I contacted one of our interviewees who said they'd be happy to be interviewed on that day. Jen Campbell arrived at 7.00 and I set up the camera while talking to her about the questions I was going to ask. I set her up so she looked comfortable then started filming while warming her up. The first take I filmed I experimented with zooms and moving the camera but I didn't like the overall effect it gave so I retook the footage with a static camera and I personally think the second take came out much better than the first. (Below: Jen Campbell)

I asked her:
Why did she skateboard,
Who did she Skateboard with,
Had she had any injuries while skateboarding,
Had she experienced any violence because she skateboarded,
had any of her friends, 
Had she seen any negative press about skateboarders. 
I enjoyed the experience and I think we got a valuable interview from the filming.

Shona ☺

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