Wednesday 20 January 2010

Printed Advert Publication

Sidewalk magazine
Kingpin is the UK’s leading national skateboarding magazine, and is the only mainstream nationwide skateboarding publication since ‘document’ magazine shut down a few years ago.  Because of this, sidewalk has cornered the market in UK skateboarding.  Although they have a newfound popularity within distinct areas, few ‘scene’ magazines are actually printed, most being purely online blogs and even less are found in anything but the skateshop for the local scene.  Because of this to have UK skateboarders actually see the advert en masse, sidewalk is the best bet.
We would be interested in printing an advert in sidewalk magazine because it focuses on our main audience demographic, and will be seen by skateboarders across the UK. This means that we can viably create a large amount of interest in a small amount of time.

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