Wednesday 27 January 2010

Production Team

Photoshop - use of technology 

Here is the logo for our production team called "High Peak Studios"
The futuristic font has connotations of modern aspirations often connected with modern youth and the silhouetted figures high fiving create the 'High' part of the logo and the shape of their arms creates the 'Peak'. High fiving is, again, something often thought of in relation to the modern youth; which is what our production team is made of.

Teaser Advert Analysis

Photoshop - use of technology Shona

Monday 25 January 2010

Teacher Feedback

Consider the following:

1. Are there places where you can include titles/text? (When James is playing games, something about the popularity of skating boarding video games) Any other statistics?

2. Can you add a change of music, like when skateboarding? Voiceover?

3. Add other images-you could used archival images of skaters from the past.

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Teaser Advert for our Documentary

This advert only has the Channel and Title of the documentary so it piques the reader's interest and if they want to find out more they can check the Channel 4 website. Adverts with more information would come out closer to the air date.
use of technology - photoshop

Potential Advert Placement

Because our target audience are young people, teenagers to mid 20s, I thought that advertising it in the Metro newspaper would get us good publicity. Because it is mainly aimed at young adults and above, teenagers would also read it, as they are becoming more mature and independent. Even though our documentary is focused on skateboarding and the skateboarding community, advertising in the metro would let us expand our target audience and expose people positively to skateboarding, people who may have only heard the negative stereotypes before. Also the metro is a free newspaper which would allow us to get the message out to as many people as possible, including those who enjoy skateboarding who may not buy an expensive skateboarding magazine, but would still be interested in our documentary.


Print advert for our documentary

use of technology - photoshop
Made by Reiss

Publications suitable for the advertisement of our documentary

I think that a relevant magazine in which we could advertise would be Sidewalk Skateboard Magazine. I think that this would be appropriate as it is a magazine based on skateboarding, and so it will inevitably have a readership of skaters who would be interested in our film. It also has a target audience of primarily male teenagers, as does our documentary. The ideology of the readers of the magazine would also be similar to the ideological standpoint of our target audience, as they are of the same age, gender, social class and have a considerable interest in skateboarding, as is required for our target audience. Advertising in Sidewalk Skateboard Magazine would help us reach our target audience and encourage more people to watch our documentary as the readers of the magazine would inevitably be interested in a documentary about skateboarding as they themselves have a keen interest in skateboarding.

Another magazine which I think may be relevant for the advertisement of our documentary would be Kingpin Skateboarding. This will be appropriate for many of the same reasons as Sidewalk Skateboard Magazine - it is a skateboarding magazine. Kingpin Skateboarding will also appeal to a slightly older target audience as well as our intended target audience. This may widen our circulation as some older skateboarders may well be interested in our documentary.

I think that we could also advertise in a liberal newspaper such as The Guardian as although the audience is very different, they appeal to left wing liberal interests and have considerable youth readership, and although the readers may not be interested in skateboarding, they may be interested in watching our documentary because of the positive message which it transmits about youth today.

is the magazine i would like to have our print advert in, this is because this magazine caters for young people in south london, it is a very versatile magazine because there is always information in every scene of youth because it is made by young people. this magazine is free and distributed to almost every school, library and youth club in the area.

Printed Advert Publication

Sidewalk magazine
Kingpin is the UK’s leading national skateboarding magazine, and is the only mainstream nationwide skateboarding publication since ‘document’ magazine shut down a few years ago.  Because of this, sidewalk has cornered the market in UK skateboarding.  Although they have a newfound popularity within distinct areas, few ‘scene’ magazines are actually printed, most being purely online blogs and even less are found in anything but the skateshop for the local scene.  Because of this to have UK skateboarders actually see the advert en masse, sidewalk is the best bet.
We would be interested in printing an advert in sidewalk magazine because it focuses on our main audience demographic, and will be seen by skateboarders across the UK. This means that we can viably create a large amount of interest in a small amount of time.

Print Advert Analysis: Lost

use of technology - photoshop


Wednesday 13 January 2010

Print Advert Analysis

use of technology - photoshop

print ad analysis

use of technology - photoshop
posted by Reiss

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Interview with harrassed skater

Yesterday afternoon I was able to conduct an interview with a skater who had been harrassed and stereotyped. I believe that this interview will help to round off our documentary and illustrate our point about the stereotyping of young people. We have yet to add titles to our documentary and upload the final two interviews and incorporate them into our documentary, we also need to put the credits at the end of our film. After this we will have completed our documentary.

Monday 4 January 2010

Last minute interview - professional skateboarder

We have scheduled an interview for this afternoon with Daniel Chapman, professional skater. Hopefully this interview will give our documentary a more professional edge. Shona and I will film him today.
Some questions which we have prepared are as follows:
How did you get into skateboarding, how old were you when you began?
Do you find that people stereotype you in a negative, or possible positive, way?
What do you like about skateboarding?
Have you ever been harassed due to being a skateboarder?
How did you get into the professional world of skateboarding?

Completed Animation

I completed the animation which opens our documentary. Short and consise, it leads easily into the title screen and helps to introduce our topic; showing a skateboarder as he performs a trick. The style is simple, cartoonish like 'Persepolis' and using the bold colours and stark back lines and shadows i found so appealing from 'Waltz with Bashir' All in all I am very happy with my final result and I think it works well as the opening sequence of our documentary and helps to start it in an interesting and unique manner.

Shona (Below a screen grab from the opening animation)

Use of technology through animation

Questions regarding our radio advert

Are you able to understand or have an idea of what our documentary is about after hearing our radio advert?
Does our radio advert appeal to you and encourage you to watch our documentary?
What age group do you think our radio advert is targeted to, do you think that this is limiting in terms of marketing?
Which radio station do you think that we should broadcast our podcast on?
Were the audio clips clear and understandable?
Was the music audience and topic appropriate?

Sunday 3 January 2010

Reschedualed interview

Unfortunately my interviewee - the harrassed skateboarder, was unable to make our last appointment. However we have reschedualed for Tuesday, January the 5th at 15:00pm.